By His Spirit Part 3

Then he said to me, “This is the word of the Lord to Zerubbabel: Not by might, nor by power, but by my Spirit, says the Lord of hosts.” Zechariah 4:6 (ESV)

Last week, we spoke about superheroes in films and how this speaks to us. We can live supernaturally in God’s strength once we believe in His power working in and through us. I don’t know about you, but some of these storylines and themes look very familiar. If we take a closer look, we will see the stories mirror elements of the ultimate story of salvation in the bible. Light overcoming darkness. Life from death. Good over evil. The bad guy, Satan, gets defeated by the righteous Son of God, Jesus. I mean, isn’t this the storyline of every hero-based film? So, we all want to be like Jesus. We feel the sense of injustice that we see in the world, and we all have a desire to be part of that change in some way. We all desire the gift of the Holy Spirit so we can get supernatural power, the gifts and the fruit of the Holy Spirit so we can overcome the satanic influences in the spheres of influence in which we operate.

Yes, yes, yes, we know it’s just a film, and it’s not true. However, as believers, the power we see displayed in these films is foolishness in comparison to the power, splendour and glory of the Holy Spirit. What differs is that the Holy Spirit has the ultimate power that cannot be conquered or defeated and is without end. He is almighty power, and all life and source come from Him.

God’s Holy Spirit supersedes all such powers. Further, He empowers us with His supernatural ability to do the impossible. He is all-powerful, all life, and the source of life for every living thing. He is the quintessential power; in Him, we have life and everything that pertains to life abundantly.

Lord, you are the source of who I am; you are my very breath and essence. Lord, I pray that you will live in and through me and have your way in my mind soul and spirit. Come and have your way in my life and empower me in every area of my life in Jesus mighty name.

Much Love in Christ,

Your Sister,

Ruth 😇🙏🏽❤️🔥
Pursuing Holiness

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