True Transformation

Many people engage in daily reading of the word and prayer, yet their hearts remain unyielding. The journey towards becoming living flames ⠀ of God commences with a personal, intense hunger and thirst for God, surpassing all other desires. This hunger and thirst, coupled with the recognition of our profound need for God, sustains the transformation.

The truth is in modern-day Christianity, we are satisfied with the form. The gatherings, the programmes. “Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away.” 2 Timothy 3:5

God is beckoning His chosen ones, His children, to a place of contentment in Him alone. His word instructs us to love Him with our entire being, making His kingdom our foremost priority. “But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness, and all these things shall be added unto you.” Matthew 6:33

He must take first place above all other pursuits, His glory and anointing is released to the one who is totally abandoned to God alone. It’s not easy and it takes a life time of training but it is worth it. God is calling us to a place of death to self so that He can live in and through us. He doesn’t want our relationship with Him to be forms and systems. He is looking from heaven for abandoned hearts that can truly say, the reason I live is to worship you.

This does not mean that we forget our jobs, families, and responsibilities; it just means that we put everything else in order, allowing God to release the grace we need to operate in each of the roles and functions He has given us in our daily lives.

So yes prayer, fasting, obedience and surrender are essential for spiritual growth. Nevertheless, a hunger and thirst for him that propels our heart to seek Him single mindedly must be the essence of all our seeking.

Dear Heavenly Father, help us to be single minded in our pursuit of you. Forgive us for seeking other things above you and realign us with your purpose and your will.

In Jesus mighty name we pray,

Much love in Christ,

Your Sister,

Ruth ❤
Pursuing Holiness TV

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